Entry level writing jobs (Where to write as a beginner?)

Starting your freelance writing career is arguable the most challenging part. Before you get that desirable first order, it might seem like a hopeless case. Where do you find clients? How easy is it to fulfill the requirements? Where to find a job as a beginner freelance writer? Are there enough gigs for everyone? 

Entry level writing jobs
Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

The truth is, there are plenty of entry level writing jobs online out there for beginners.

You just need to know where to find them and what to start from. Of course, an entry-level writer won’t be paid as much as industry experts, who are already mentoring other writers. But one needs to begin with something. And the only way to become an expert is to work hard and gain experience. 

writing jobs for beginners
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

If you need a piece of advice on how to start earning as a writer, I’ve got you covered. 

Available Entry Level Writer Jobs 

As a beginner, you probably do not have a niche yet, but it can be a benefit too. You can try out many things and decide what gigs are more enjoyable and profitable for you. Here are just some entry level freelance writing jobs one can choose from: 

  • Product and services descriptions for eCommerce website and affiliate marketers, from Etsy and Amazon and to digital shop landing pages; 
  • News articles, journalism gigs, and reports; 
  • Blog posts. You can start your own blog and monetize it, or choose hosting platforms like Medium, for example. Another alternative is to write guest blog posts. 
  • Newsletters, emails, advertisements; 
  • Creative writing gigs; 
  • Books, movies, and product reviews. There are plenty of websites like BookBrowse that pay for book reviews. 
  • eBooks and case studies as a ghostwriter; 
  • Back-story writing; 
  • Copywriting; 
  • Lyrics writing;
  • Tutorials, user manuals, etc. 

The type of writing jobs entry level one can choose depends on their previous experience, knowledge, and interests. 

Basically, any type of text can become a gig if there is a client that needs it. So do not worry about the availability of tasks.

The next step is to find a reliable platform to look for entry level copy writing jobs. 

The Best Websites for Freelance Copywriting Jobs for Beginners

Before you start applying for jobs, you need to take several steps. First of all, decide on the prices you are going to go for. Of course, they are going to be approximate, but it is better to know the baseline. You might do some tasks for a resume or exposure, but it is important to start earning too. 

Secondly, prepare a couple of examples of your writing. Entry-level remote writing jobs do not usually require them, but it can be a great benefit to land a job. And you’ll use them afterward to build your professional portfolio. If you are going for several types of writing, create different examples, like a blog post, product description, or a landing page, for example. LinkedIn will be a good start to finding further freelance writing jobs that are available online. 

Thirdly, evaluate how much time you can devote to writing. Probably it is not your full-time commitment yet, so it is essential to know what deadlines are suitable for you.

With experience, writers can do more quality texts in less time. However, beginners often tend to take longer to finish the task, which is quite normal. Make sure you do not overload yourself. 

Now you are ready to search for entry level jobs for writers!  Here are some excellent platforms to check:



This is not exclusively a writing platform, but it is a valid entry point to freelancing in general. The main benefit is that it is easy to register on and there are lots of offers for those who want to write frequently. It is also quite secure in terms of payments, as the website makes sure to eliminate breaches of contracts. 

The main downside for beginners is that the website serves as an online resume. So the more orders you do excellently, the more reputation you get. It means that at the beginning it will be a bit harder to land the gig as you do not have a reputation yet. 



Another great website that offers a decent variety of entry level jobs for creative writers. Like the previous one, it is not only for authors, there are offers for all types of freelancers. But you can find here different clients, from those who need blog posts up to social media writing. 

The benefit is that it is a safe platform that makes sure that the job offers a valid and reasonable. The platform also doesn’t take any percentage of your earnings. The downside is that it is not free to use.

If you want to get the best offers, you’ll have to register a subscription for a monthly fee.  Overall, it is a good website but if you are not sure yet that you can make money writing, there are other ones to try for free. 

ProBlogger Job Board 


Here one can find excellent freelance writing jobs entry level and orders designed for experts. It is designed specifically for writers and there are plenty of posts to apply. Maybe it’ll take you some time to land the first task, but it is sure to be good. 

The main advantage is that it is free to use for you but not for those, who are making job posts. It means that the majority of sketchy and scammy offers are eliminated by this simple step. After all, a posting costs them $75, so they are interested in fruitful cooperation.

So it is quite safe to use even if you do not have much experience in separating good gigs from sketchy ones. 

Freelance Writer’s Den

Freelance Writer’s Den

If you are looking not only for orders but for a community that will help you to grow professionally, this is a valid option. It is a platform for freelance writers with a great forum filled with tips and tricks. There are monthly online events, boot camps, etc. And, of course, there is a job board with legit and well-paid postings. 

The advantage is that you can learn from other experienced professionals and get a lot of educational resources as well as writing gigs. The downside is that it is not free, to be a member you need to pay a monthly fee. 

All Freelance Writing 

All Freelance Writing 

Beginner writers will find this quite suitable. There are plenty of gigs, solid payments, and additional learning materials. There are helping resources specifically for those who are just starting their career.

And you can also subscribe to the newsletter to get all updates. Mostly, there are content and blog writing jobs. 



When it comes to entering point accessibility, this website is one of the best. One can register for free, take a small test and start earning. There is an internal rating system, so the better you perform, the better gigs you’ll land in the future. One can grow from a Standard writer to an Elite one. 

The main benefit is that it is easy, fast, and comfortable to join and use. 

Journalism Jobs

Journalism Jobs

Do you prefer news articles and journalism? Well, there is a website just for you. It features only journalism gigs from news companies and sites. It is free to register and upload your resume.

Furthermore, you can choose specific categories to subscribe to, which show your interest in writing. But you do not need to be registered to look through job listings, actually. 


Of course, it is impossible to list all the websites online that offer jobs for entry level writers, there are too many of them. If you want to build your portfolio fast and get higher chances of earning more – register in several of them.

Also, consider working on your personal blog as it is a perfect opportunity to create a personal brand and ensure consistent income. 

Now it’s that exact time when you have to choose. Simply select the option that suits you best, select your writing niche and start writing from now on.

I wish you a lovely day and awesome writing gigs in the nearest future 😉

Vasy Kafidoff
Vasy Kafidoff

Vasyl Kafidoff is a founder and mastermind of KAFIDOFF.COM. He has a strong interest in education, modern technology, marketing, and business management.

If Vasy is not working, you can find him somewhere in the world attending a Rock Concert with his mates.

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