7 ways to monetize a blog today, tomorrow & beyond!

There is no doubt nowadays that blogging can provide a decent income. And if done right, it can be a full-time sustainable job. So how to monetize a blog? Well, there are several ways one can do it. I’ve gathered 7 options that work for almost any blogger whatever niche they choose to take. 

monetize a blog
Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

Blogging can be one of the ways to make money as a writer or a full commitment. In any case, consider these tips on putting your talent to work. 

What are the best ways to monetize your blog?

This is the first and the most obvious way to monetizing your blog. Even if you are quite new to this, there are plenty of options to get that passive income.

Turning on the Ads


Start with Google Adsense. The main benefit is that it is free to join and pretty easy to register. It doesn’t mean that you will make a business from your blog from the very first day, but still, it’s a good option to start. All other worries are taken care of by Google.

Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

The more traffic your blog attracts, the more you earn. The advertisement will be placed on the website. 

It is not the only service out there. Some services work specifically with writers and allow monetizing a blog easily. For example, you can try AdThrive or Mediavine

The downside is that if you do not have much traffic on your page, the income won’t be huge at first. But combined with other ways of monetization, it all can add up to a decent sum. 

Sell Digital Products

The next sure way to monetize a blog is to sell something of value. You can use a blog as a business, or as a blogger, if you have a niche you specialize in and an area of expertise.

how to monetize a blog

That’s why people come to you for knowledge. And it is a dashing idea to make it into a digital product of some sort. It can be almost anything the audience is interested in, for example: 

  • Visuals, pictures, graphs, templates; 
  • Audio or video recordings; 
  • E-books; 
  • Digital courses and learning programs;
  • Tutorials, etc; 

For example, selling e-books is one of the most popular ways of blog monetization today. And you can turn your knowledge into a book; it doesn’t have to be a novel. Maybe it is a collection of recipes, marketing strategies, or secrets of playing guitar like a pro.

WordPress has an Easy Digital Downloads plugin if you choose to do it via your website. Or you can do it via Amazon Kindle, but they do take 30% of the profits. 

Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliate marketing can bring a lot of blog revenue if done correctly.

Basically, it means that you review products and provide links to them. Every sale made via this link gives you a percent (depends on the company but it is usually 10-50%). So the more people trust your judgment, the better it is for you. 

The main factor is that you need to be honest with your reviews. And you need to disclose that you have an affiliate link. 

When people search for the answer to the question “how to monetize my blog?” they are usually recommended to become an Amazon Affiliate. But it is not the only platform that allows that. Here are some other options: 

Can I monetize my blog through direct affiliation to the manufacturer or producer? Sure thing. But you’ll have to research and reach out to them individually. 

Sell Ad Space

It is not the same as using any platforms like Google Adsense. If you sell space on your webpage, you do it directly to the business that wants a promotion. And the great part of it is that you get all revenue, not just a percent.  Furthermore, you also decide on the prices. 

The downside is that you need to communicate directly with a business and attract them with statistics. They would like to know about the traffic, engagement, and conversion rates to make sure that they pay for a valuable thing. To start, create a media kit with all essential statistics and send them directly to potential advertisers. You can find them on LinkedIn, BuySellAds, or SellerCrowd

Freelance Blogging

If you are a passionate writer and have some time on your hand, you can find freelance writing jobs related to your blog’s niche. You already know your sphere and ability to create content. Why not monetize it? 

You can make a name for yourself, bring additional traffic with direct links to your blog, and earn good money. But always be ready for facing blogging trolls 😉

One of the ways to monetize a blog is to offer freelance writing on your website. Or you can go directly to the platforms that offer writing gigs. 

Create Merchandise

Yes, this might be not for everyone. It depends on your audience, their interests, and specific niche. But when a content creator gains some recognition, it is quite natural to make merch and sell it. 

And if you put your heart into it and create a quality product, your readers will love it. It can be anything with your logo, catchphrase, or something only a member of the community will understand. And with the WordPress WooCommerce plugin, you can sell it directly from your website. It is one of the best ways to monetize a blog when you have a vast following. 

Offer Unique Content for Paid Subscription 

Here is another idea on how to monetize your blog – create a paid membership community. It is not uncommon; there are tons of subscription services out there in all industries. What you need to care about is the provision of high-quality and unique content that people would love to pay for. You should also be prepared to update your blog posts regularly.

For example, you can give basic tips on your area of expertise and offer an advanced course or program for a subscription fee. It also helps to create a sense of community. 

Technically, you can do it via WordPress plugins, like Memberpress or Ultimate Membership Pro. You can also choose third-party services if you o not use WordPress, like Podia or Wild Apricot

Also, other services to mention are OpenCollective and Patreon where you can make some specific offers to your “patrons” for monthly or yearly subscriptions. For example, it can be some posts that you share with your subscribers several days before the official upload.

If you wonder how to monetize blog without providing gated content, consider putting a donation button on your webpage. It might not be as efficient, but loyal readers will gladly support the creator. 

Ready to earn money monetizing your blog?

I hope these ideas on how to make money off your blog will help you. Of course, you can also create sponsored posts, start a YouTube channel, or make a podcast. Monetization options do not stop here. You can sell physical products or offer niche consulting.

Choose what works for you and, most importantly, combine all options you can to increase income. 

Share your ideas on how to monetize a blog in the comments section. Let’s find some awesome ideas shared 😉

Vasy Kafidoff
Vasy Kafidoff

Vasyl Kafidoff is a founder and mastermind of KAFIDOFF.COM. He has a strong interest in education, modern technology, marketing, and business management.

If Vasy is not working, you can find him somewhere in the world attending a Rock Concert with his mates.

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