Category: writing

What does a writing sample look like? 🧐

A writing sample is a supplemental document for a job application that is often demanded in such posts where a significant amount of writing is involved. Some examples include journalism, public relations, research, marketing, etc. Employers often also ask for writing samples if the nature of the job is about communicating and writing important information. […]

What’s ONE hidden way for coming up with great blog topic ideas?

If there is something we truly know and have been through, especially when writing new and original content is that we fear that others may not like it. Content writers go through a myriad of situations in blog post ideas in which they are left scratching their heads. An that comes this “why can’t I […]

How long should it take you to write a freelance article?

Whether you are just beginning your writing career or not, this question will pop up in your head sooner or later. Writing an article, how long should it take?  How much time is reasonable to write a freelance article?  Am I too slow? Or am I too fast? What is the reasonable time to finish […]