Tag: tips

How long should it take you to write a freelance article?

Whether you are just beginning your writing career or not, this question will pop up in your head sooner or later. Writing an article, how long should it take?  How much time is reasonable to write a freelance article?  Am I too slow? Or am I too fast? What is the reasonable time to finish […]

How to Rewrite and Update Old Blogs?

Updating content is a necessary part of a successful blogging strategy, whether it is an individual or a brand blog. First of all, it simply doesn’t make sense to waste something you’ve invested time and money on. Secondly, it is actually extremely efficient to update articles and old content.  According to the recent 2021 study, […]

How to find a writing mentor and keep him close?

Writing is a solitaire profession. Writers are usually loners that sit on their laptops and put words together to create meaning. But it doesn’t mean that you have to be alone all the time. Actually, writing mentorship is not only a common thing but very beneficial. Now, I’ll explain how to find a writing mentor in […]