Tag: blogging

Entry level writing jobs (Where to write as a beginner?)

Starting your freelance writing career is arguable the most challenging part. Before you get that desirable first order, it might seem like a hopeless case. Where do you find clients? How easy is it to fulfill the requirements? Where to find a job as a beginner freelance writer? Are there enough gigs for everyone?  The […]

7 ways to monetize a blog today, tomorrow & beyond!

There is no doubt nowadays that blogging can provide a decent income. And if done right, it can be a full-time sustainable job. So how to monetize a blog? Well, there are several ways one can do it. I’ve gathered 7 options that work for almost any blogger whatever niche they choose to take.  Blogging […]

Pros and Cons of Medium.com for beginner writers

When you only start your writing career, there are numerous options to choose from. One can start a blog, set up a personal website, or choose to post on third-party platforms. Every option has its pros and cons. Medium is a website that tracks a lot of attention and is often recommended. But is Medium […]

Yay, Yeah, Yea, Yayayay! And their usage in content writing

In the age of social media, using jargon and short forms has really changed the way we communicate. Often a time, we even interchange slang words, and sometimes, they may not even make any sense. But even when it comes to slang words, such as yay, yeah, yea, or yayayay, they need to make sense […]

How to react to blogging trolls? WAR or IGNORE?

Trolls are an unavoidable part of the internet culture. Whether you are a blogger, social media influencer, or just a user – you’ve probably come across them several times. They can be found in the comment section of news, blogs, and any other posts. The main goal of a blog troll is to cause mayhem […]